Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Strong Showing for TNA Tonight

In my last post, I touched on the topic of competition in the wrestling business these days. I was critical of TNA's product, calling it second rate and not on the level of WWE.

While TNA still has a long way to go, I thought tonight's show was well done.The segments were entertaining, the matches were better than usual, and they got the name stars on TV.

I thought the opening segment with Mr. Anderson (....Anderson) was solid. The storyline with Bischoff and Hogan keeping him from a title rematch has developed well. Anderson isn't a great athlete, and he's not ever going to be confused with Kurt Angle in terms of wrestling ability, but he is great on the mic. His promo during this opening segment was funny and grabbed the crowd's attention. Pairing him with RVD, who can also make a case for a rematch, makes good sense. With the exception of the blown Rolling Thunder spot, their match at the end of the show with Sting as the special enforcer was good. It's old news by now, but re-signing Sting back was a fantastic get. There was a ton of buzz about WWE trying to get him for Wrestlemania. Having him back and putting the title belt on him has pumped up the fans.

The Pope/Samoa Joe pairing has worked. Joe isn't great on the mic, but can wrestle. Pope, unlike Joe, is a good mic worker, and has done well at drawing heat. This has brought this story along well. Tonight's match between him and Joe's Sidekick, Okada, was a little but squash-like, but turned up the heat even more.

Abyss' return was a nice surprise. TNA needs more of the younger talent to be featured, and his return was well-done, coming in and cleaning house during the Fortune/Immortal clash. It was followed by a great promo.

This is just a general comment...Matt Hardy does nothing for this show. He is out of shape, his matches suck, and his segments are not well-received by the fans. If you take him off the show, nothing would be missing. The show would be the same with or without him. I generally don't have an issue with bringing in older talent, but this was a waste.

Those were the highlights. Generally, this was not a bad show tonight. Hopefully they have more like that.

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