It's World WRESTLING Entertainment, right?
Recently, TVWeek.com ran a story with the headline "Drew Carey inducted into pro wrestling Hall of Fame." The story was a write-up of Carey's impending induction into the WWE Hall of Fame as this year's celebrity inductee. WWE (which, in case you missed the opening line, stands for World WRESTLING Entertainment) demanded that the website change the wording of the headline. The site claims that they received an email from WWE publicist Kellie Baldyga saying that the company is "no longer a wrestling company but rather a global entertainment company with a movie studio, international licensing deals, publisher of three magazines, consumer good distributor and more." The publicist continued "No, we don't do wrestling events. They're entertainments. And we don't call them wrestlers. They're superstars and divas." TVWeek.com refused to change their headline, and instead pulled the story altogether from the website. Good for them.
So let's get this straight, WWE. You were getting mainstream press just two weeks away from the biggest show of the year (which we all know you looooove) and you complained because the headline used terminology that you didn't like, but explained dead-on what it is you do?

WWE needs to give it a rest with this nomenclature business and be glad that people are talking about their product.
Dated pornstar reference ... love it