Thursday, March 31, 2011

TNA's Lack of Creativity This Week Reduces them to the Role of 'Spectator'

This week, the only things that were missing from Impact were a giant bucket of popcorn, a seat cushion, a large soda, and one of those obnoxious foam fingers fans wear to indicate "they're #1."

In the midst of Wrestlemania week, which is the biggest week in the wrestling business, TNA aired an episode that lacked excitement, creativity, and guts.

In case you missed it above, this is Wrestlemania week. WWE "superstars" are in Atlanta right now smiling for cameras, yucking it up with the local media, appearing on TV shows (both local and national), and soaking up a ton of attention. Big stuff.

But wait.....there's more.

Ring of Honor and Dragon gate USA are also in Atlanta. Both companies are running shows this weekend, two-a-piece to be exact. This ballsy attempt to get exposure has generated a ton of buzz among wrestling fans.

So, taking into account all that's going on this week in and around the Georgia Dome, tonight we saw an episode of Impact that was just the same as every other episode. We saw the same meaningless matches, the same promos, and the same backstage segments that we see every week. I'm not saying that a great episode this week would have blown Wrestlemania and the other shows out of the water. What I'm saying is the company could have done much more to make this week's show exciting for the sake of staying relevant to some degree. For example, they could have done something similar to a Raw Roullette night. They could have had more specialty matches, such as Ultimate X, King of the Mountain, or any other TNA specialty match. While wrestling fans chatter it up about WWE, Ring of Honor, and Dragon Gate USA, nobody is talking about TNA. An exciting, different episode could have changed that.

Tonight, TNA became a spectator. In the face of competition, they did nothing to try and step up their game and offer something special to wrestling fans.

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