Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why to be excited about College Football

There's a saying in show business that there's no such thing as bad press. For the sake of College Football, the sport I, and so many other people, love, I sure as hell hope so.

Going back to the beginning of last season, college football has been trapped under a rain cloud. Players have had inappropriate contact with agents. Players have taken money. Coaches broke rules. Bowl CEOs used money inappropriately. Schools have paid third-party brokers for players. Bad things have been uncovered. Rather than rehash all that ugliness by going into specifics, let's just leave it at that.

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of hearing who did what. I'm tired of reading the columnists give their smug, uppity opinions about who should be fired or what kind of social impact these events will have on the sport and society. Enough already.

Here, I'm going to focus on the positive. I'm going to be a cheerleader. I don't care if it's April. I don't care if we're barely into Baseball season. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to itemize, some kind of order, 5 reasons why fans should be excited about the upcoming season.

5. Conference Realignment - This year, Nebraska moves to the Big Ten. Colorado and Utah move to the Pac-12. Boise State moves to the Mountain West. The new matchups - Nebraska vs. The Big Ten, Utah vs. BCS competition week in and week out- are exciting.

4. The Fans - The on-the-field action is what is most important. However, make no mistake about it, the fans of college football are so vital to the game. They show up on gameday clad in crazy clothes, faces painted, and they go nuts for their respective teams. Their enthusiasm is a needed and welcome element to the game!

3. Lee Corso - Yes, he's old. Yes, he adds more of the "sweet old man" element than he does credible football analysis. But come on, seeing him obnoxiously point that pencil, hearing him say "not so fast, my friend".........come on. What would Saturday mornings in the Fall be without him?

2.Throwback Uniforms - Who cares if they're gimmicky. Who cares if they're used to sell merchandise. History and tradition are important to college football. Throwback jerseys are a nice way to celebrate that.

1. (and most important) THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEASON!!!! There will be no picture here. There will not be much of an explanation. Hang your hat on the fact that on college campuses, come Labor Day weekend, we'll have toe to leather.

There. get excited.

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