Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ring of Honor Delivers

Consider me one of the wrestling fans Ring of Honor grabbed during this weekend's run of shows.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, Ring of Honor, in an attempt to take advantage of the buzz Wrestlemania has created, went to Atlanta and had a run of two shows at the Center Stage Theater. For 10 bucks a show, I ponied up and watched their Friday night show and the Saturday afternoon show.

While I didn't blindly love every match like most ROH fans seem to do, I thought both shows were very good. In contrast to WWE, the company has a product based around technical wrestling. These matches feature athletic performers who aren't necessarily going to charm your face off with a promo, but can work great, entertaining matches. The in-ring product really is what makes their shows.

Also mentioned previously, Ring of Honor's TV deal with HDNet is coming to an end. They will air the final episode on the network tomorrow night. While I am a fan of WWE, their shows do lack solid in-ring action, which has come under heavy criticism from wrestling fans. Hopefully, Ring of Honor can secure a new deal soon, and fulfill the needs of fans looking for great wrestling matches week-in and week-out.

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